Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Winners #131 - Team Colours

Hello everyone - we hope you are all ok and keeping safe. We are in unprecedented times, but hopefully crafting can be a help to us at this time. 

The DT have chosen #14 Kathy K as the winner of the Team Colours challenge with this card.....

We love the imaginative use of the stencil and the CAS design.


Please contact Jane to find out about a Guest Design spot

Here are our Honourable Mentions: (in order of submission)

We loved the beautiful colour palette and attention to detail.

#6 Julie B
A great layout and use of dies.

The colours used give this card a little fun feel.

Before we go a little reminder of our current challenge.

You can interpret this however you like - so why not have a go?

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Challenge #132 - At My Grandfather's House

Time for the next challenge here at The Male Room.

Do you have fond memories of visiting your grandfather's house? 
Or maybe you just like the idea of looking back in history and imagining what it may have been like? 
Well however you feel inspired by At My Grandfather's House we love it if you shared it on a masculine project for this challenge.

We're delighted to welcome Shawna as our Guest Designer for this challenge. Here's her wonderful take on the theme.

What amazing memories Shawna!

Check out how The Male Room's DT have been inspired by this theme:


You have until 11.55 UK time on Tuesday 31st March to play along.

We can't wait to see your ideas. 

 We thank you for remembering to copy and paste the challenge badge into your post.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Winners #130 Use Embossing

There were so many fabulous entries for our embossing challenge that the DT had a hard time choosing their favourites. 

Our winner this time is ...........

#22 mavricneideje

We loved the gorgeous colour combination and that stunning gold embossing.


Please contact Jane to find out about a Guest Design spot

Here are our Honourable Mentions: (in order of submission)

We loved this embossing and that gorgeous pop of colour.

 #5 Sarah G
We loved this clean and clear cut embossing by Sarah using bonding powder, foil and a laminator.

#43 A Rose

We loved the techniques used on this card, but the star of the card is that beautifully embossed hello.

Before I go a reminder of the current challenge. We haven't had a lot of entries for this one. Maybe you don't have a team! It doesn't matter! You can pick any combo of colours which may be for any team or a favourite store - anything you hold dear to you. Go on - give it a go........

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Challenge #131 - Team Colours

So do you support a sports team or were you in a team/house at school? 

Well we're looking to see your masculine project using the colours from your team for our new challenge.

And don't stress if you're not into sports or your school didn't have team colours just widen your imagination to encompass any type of team - car manufacturer's logos, school uniform colours, colours from a TV programme logo or a Film title sequence, food packaging, lorry or van colours.......

Your project doesn't have to be about a team either we just want you to be inspired by the colours and incorporate them into your creation.

We're delighted to welcome Betty as our Guest Designer for this challenge and she has made an awesome card to inspire you to play along.

Love those sneaker boots! Such a stylish card design too! Perhaps you'd like to go tell her how impressed you are by leaving a lovely comment on her blog - HERE.

And look at all this amazing creativity from The Male Room's DT - sure to get you inspired!



1 scrap paper - > 4 cards

~taking a break~



You have until 11.55 UK time on Tuesday 17th March to play along.

We can't wait to see your team colours. 

 We thank you for remembering to copy and paste the challenge badge into your post.